What is TMJ Disorder?

Tmj disorder is pain or discomfort in the jaw and/or surrounding muscles. It can be a result of a ligament, muscle or disc problem and can cause clicking in the jaw (called a ‘clicking jaw’), limited movement, swelling of the joints and the teeth, tinnitus (ringing in the ears) and headaches.

TMD can also lead to changes in the brain, which can affect emotions and increase the sensitivity of the pain signals. It can also interfere with sleep, which is a known risk factor for depression and anxiety. Some studies have shown a link between chronic TMD pain and anxiety.

There are many things that can help relieve symptoms of TMD. The most important is resting the jaw. This includes avoiding chewy or hard foods and reducing jaw clenching, which can make symptoms worse. Applying ice to the jaw can reduce inflammation, and heat can relax tight muscles. Stress reduction techniques, such as meditation and mindfulness, can also be helpful.

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Most kids don’t need surgery to treat tmj disorders, but if other treatment doesn’t improve their symptoms, a doctor can manipulate the jaw until it can open and close. This is usually done under sedation in the hospital or clinic. Your dentist or oral surgeon can recommend a specialist for this if needed. Other specialists who may be consulted include an orthopedic surgeon, an otolaryngologist or a prosthodontist.